Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Fresh Start

What would you do differently if you found out you only had one more year to live?

I asked myself this one morning after having a string of crummy days. No, they were really dark days. The kind that cause you to question what your purpose is and if you let it go on too long it will suck you in deep to a place you feel you can't escape.

I had this thought....THIS is life. Not tomorrow, not next week or in five years but TODAY. I am in the thick of it---I have a wonderful husband, two amazing kids, a roof over my head, food to eat, good health, a delicious cup of coffee.....I challenged myself to find the blessings in the darkness.

We're not given a promise that tomorrow will come. Life is hard, there's no way around it.  Its a gift to be enjoyed and its up to us to find the joy in it--good or bad. Hence, our family's Christmas card was formed....

My name is Brooke. I am 36 years old and I am going to live my wonder-FULL life as just that---FULL. And not just sometimes, but all the time. Yes, there will be bad days and challenging days but, its up to me to find the good in them. The little happies. The littles that add up to make life BIG and GRAND. Because I refuse to die without a smile on my face and love in my heart.

I'm using this blog to challenge myself for the next year to discover all the little happies that bless my life and make more time to do the things that bring me joy.

What would YOU do differently if you found out you only had one more year to live? I'd love to hear....


  1. The pictures are really good, and it is nice to see your thoughts "on paper". Just wish you and the kiddies were not so far away. Just remember, "Delta is ready when you are"!
    Well, heck, so is Allied Van Lines!

  2. Great idea Gerald- we are ready! We will book the flight, just let me know when you guys able to move up here- genius idea!! That way we won't be so far away anymore, genius, simply genius!


I love reading your comments like I love eating chocolate donuts....